Erin Palmquist

What inspires you?

With the end of school, graduations, and the world opening up again, now seems like a good time to think about what inspires us. When coming up with stories for film, I have always found artistic creativity to be the most inspiring because it is the least defined. When you are creating a story and trying to imagine how you are going to tell it with images, it’s not always clear how it’s going to turn out. That can be scary but also exciting – kind of like life.  

Now that life is starting to go back to some kind of normal, I’m finding I am thinking more about what’s ahead. For the past year or so, we’ve been in survival mode – just trying to get from one day to the next. Many of our worlds got very small and we were only interacting with one person at a time and maybe no one for long periods of time.  

I revisited this short film I wrote and produced with Rebecca Robb Benne and Erin Palmquist, and this main character’s uncertainty about her future but inner calmness about it was a good reminder of how we can just accept where we are now and just see where the future leads us. The film asks questions like “What’s in your future?” – something we all struggled to answer this year.  

Take a look and see how this young woman’s journey with her design skills can inspire you to be happy with the present and what you have accomplished so far this year, no matter how small.  Her serenity might inspire you to be fearless about what’s ahead. 

We would love to hear from you!

Calling all English language teachers!

"Can you roll your tongue?" "Can you wiggle your ears?" These are just some of the quirky questions you can ask your students as they watch this ESL classroom in California act out some of these genetic abilities. So if you're looking for something fun and different to do with your classes during these long days at home, check out Brookemead ELT's video "Genetics." Which abilities do you share?

Stay tuned as we develop our new Teacher Resources page. Video activities to accompany this short film will be available soon.

An example of one of the 24 original videos created with Erin Palmquist for Brookemead ELT. Nominated for an ELTon in 2013.

Slowing down and being more deliberate

When Kieran Donaghy and I first showed this short film at the Image Conference in 2014 in Cordoba, Spain, we had a lot of people scratching their heads, wondering what we were talking about. Now with what's transpired in 2020, it seems that this idea of slowing down and being deliberate has never been more relevant. Thanks to Erin Palmquist and Eliot Freed for their inspiration and collaboration on this film. View it for the first time or take a look again!