What We Do

ELT ImageMakers is a one-stop shop for language publishers who need an experienced, cohesive team to write and edit video scripts and create storyboards for their multi-level English language courses. If you are finding that your in-house staff members are overwhelmed by the growing demands for multiple types of video, look no further. ELT ImageMakers is a team of highly-skilled professional writers, editors, and education consultants who will deliver engaging content that aligns with your curriculum specifications, including both American and British English. We also collaborate with a variety of partners to carry out the full production of the video content. ELT ImageMakers is based in the UK with team members all over the world.


Our Team



Anna has been working as an independent writer, editor, and video producer for over 20 years. She came up with the idea for ELT ImageMakers after witnessing in-house editorial teams grow overwhelmed by an increasing workload and a decreasing workforce in the industry. She realized that there was a growing need for cohesive, adaptable external teams who could not only supply quality video content, but who could also work closely with the in-house team to develop a video program that adheres to publishers’ unique specifications. Together with a creative and enthusiastic group of freelancers, Anna and her team can help you meet the ELT market's demands for high quality video.




Video Content and Scripting

Nora Hennick is a freelance ELT copyeditor and writer with a background in creative writing. She is based in New York City, USA.

jason sterling


Jason is an independent contractor, with over 20 years experience in Information Technology. He lives, works, and plays in San Francisco and Lake Tahoe, USA.

Victoria Pascual

Education Consulting and Research

As a seasoned teacher in ELT, Victoria brings her knowledge and wisdom to all video content and selection. She lives in Madrid, Spain.

Lynne Robertson

Video Content and Scripting

Lynne has been creating engaging video and multimedia content for the ELT market for over 20 years. She is a UX writing manager living in the San Francisco Bay Area, USA.

Stew Grieve

Graphic Designer

Stew is a creative freelance graphic designer with over 20 years experience working for ELT publishers. He’s based in the North West of England.

Maria Camacho

Education Consulting and Translation

Maria is a freelance translator, teacher, and examiner interested in languages and linguistic competencies. She is based in Brighton, UK.

Viviane Wild

Editor and Proofreader

Viviane is a freelance Modern Language Editor (French, German, and English), teacher, and translator. She lives in London, UK.

Amanda Maris

Content Creator and Course Consultant

Amanda is a modern linguist, teacher, teacher trainer, and examiner and has written multiple print and online materials across a range of levels for ELT publishers. She is based in Oxfordshire in the UK.

Sebastian Kutz


Sebastian is a communications specialist with a Degree in Public Relations and Strategic Communications from American University. He lives in San Francisco, California.