
Nomination for an ELTon in Course Innovation

ELT ImageMakers' owner, Anna Whitcher, and fellow script writers, Nora Hennick and Lynne Robertson, are excited to hear the results of tomorrow's ELTons' ceremony. Their work on Evolve by Cambridge University Press has gotten nominated as a finalist for its Excellence in Course Innovation. Anna wrote the 36 episodes of scripted drama for four levels of this course and led co-writers, Nora and Lynne, on the mini-documentaries. This was a great experience for us as a writing team. If you'd like to see some of the videos from this course, please visit our Video Samples. Winners will be announced tomorrow, 15th October.

ELT ImageMakers goes live!

ELT ImageMakers website home page image.png

ELT ImageMakers pressed the launch button on Thursday, May 23. We are now official! A big thanks goes out to Jason Sterling (Technology) for all of his support and problem-solving skills in the creation of the site and also to Nora Hennick (Video Content and Scripting) for her eagle eye. Very excited to be working with such a great team of people (see our About page) on all things video-related in ELT. Check us out!